pandagg.tree.response module

class pandagg.tree.response.ResponseTree(agg_tree, identifier=None)[source]

Bases: pandagg.tree._tree.Tree

Tree representation of an ES response. ES response format is determined by the aggregation query.

bucket_properties(bucket, properties=None, end_level=None, depth=None)[source]

Recursive method returning a given bucket’s properties in the form of an ordered dictionnary. Travel from current bucket through all ancestors until reaching root. :param bucket: instance of pandagg.buckets.buckets.Bucket :param properties: OrderedDict accumulator of ‘level’ -> ‘key’ :param end_level: optional parameter to specify until which level properties are fetched :param depth: optional parameter to specify a limit number of levels which are fetched :return: OrderedDict of structure ‘level’ -> ‘key’


Build query filtering documents belonging to that bucket. Suppose the following configuration:

Base <- filter on base
|── Nested_A no filter on A (nested still must be applied for children) | |── SubNested A1 | └── SubNested A2 <- filter on A2 └── Nested_B <- filter on B

Build response tree from ES response :param raw_response: ES aggregation response :return: self

Note: if the root aggregation node can generate multiple buckets, a response root is crafted to avoid having multiple roots.

show(data_property='pretty', **kwargs)[source]

Print the tree structure in hierarchy style.

You have three ways to output your tree data, i.e., stdout with show(), plain text file with save2file(), and json string with to_json(). The former two use the same backend to generate a string of tree structure in a text graph.

  • Version >= 1.2.7a*: you can also specify the line_type parameter, such as ‘ascii’ (default), ‘ascii-ex’, ‘ascii-exr’, ‘ascii-em’, ‘ascii-emv’, ‘ascii-emh’) to the change graphical form.
  • nid – the reference node to start expanding.
  • level – the node level in the tree (root as level 0).
  • idhidden – whether hiding the node ID when printing.
  • filter – the function of one variable to act on the Node object. When this parameter is specified, the traversing will not continue to following children of node whose condition does not pass the filter.
  • key – the key param for sorting Node objects in the same level.
  • reverse – the reverse param for sorting Node objects in the same level.
  • line_type
  • data_property – the property on the node data object to be printed.
