Interactive features

Features described in this module are primarly designed for interactive usage, for instance in an ipython shell<>_, since one of the key features is the intuitive usage provided by auto-completion.

Cluster indices discovery

discover() function list all indices on a cluster matching a provided pattern:

>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> from pandagg.discovery import discover
>>> client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['xxx'])
>>> indices = discover(client, index='mov*')
>>> indices
<Indices> ['movies', 'movies_fake']

Each of the indices is accessible via autocompletion:

>>> indices.movies
 <Index 'movies'>

An Index exposes: settings, mapping (interactive), aliases and name:

>>> movies = indices.movies
>>> movies.settings
{'index': {'creation_date': '1591824202943',
  'number_of_shards': '1',
  'number_of_replicas': '1',
  'uuid': 'v6Amj9x1Sk-trBShI-188A',
  'version': {'created': '7070199'},
  'provided_name': 'movies'}}
>>> movies.mapping
├── directors                                                [Nested]
│   ├── director_id                                           Keyword
│   ├── first_name                                            Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── full_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── genres                                                Keyword
│   └── last_name                                             Text
│       └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
├── genres                                                    Keyword
├── movie_id                                                  Keyword
├── name                                                      Text
│   └── raw                                                 ~ Keyword
├── nb_directors                                              Integer
├── nb_roles                                                  Integer
├── rank                                                      Float
├── roles                                                    [Nested]
│   ├── actor_id                                              Keyword
│   ├── first_name                                            Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── full_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── gender                                                Keyword
│   ├── last_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   └── role                                                  Keyword
└── year                                                      Integer