Source code for pandagg.utils

# adapted from
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, Union, Callable, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from pandagg.types import DocSource, Action, IndexName, OpType

    from pandagg.document import DocumentSource

[docs]class DslMeta(type): """ Base Metaclass for DslBase subclasses that builds a registry of all classes for given DslBase subclass (== all the query types for the Query subclass of DslBase). Types will be: 'agg', 'query', 'field' Each of those types will hold a `_classes` dictionary pointing to all classes of same type. """ # registry for types _types: Dict[str, "DslMeta"] = {} # per type, registry for classes (not initialized here) _classes: Dict[str, "DslMeta"] # types keys _type_name: str = "" # classes keys KEY: str = "" def __init__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple, attrs: Dict) -> None: super(DslMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) if not cls._type_name: # skip for DSLMixin return if not cls.KEY: # abstract base class, register its shortcut cls._types[cls._type_name] = cls # and create a registry for subclasses if not hasattr(cls, "_classes"): cls._classes = {} elif cls.KEY not in cls._classes: # normal class, register it cls._classes[cls.KEY] = cls
[docs]class DSLMixin(metaclass=DslMeta): """Base class for all DSL objects - queries, filters, aggregations etc. Wraps a dictionary representing the object's json."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_dsl_class(cls, name: str) -> DslMeta: try: return cls._classes[name] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError( "DSL class `{}` does not exist in {}.".format(name, cls._type_name) )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dsl_type(name: str) -> DslMeta: try: return DslMeta._types[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("DSL type %s does not exist." % name)
[docs]def ordered(obj: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(obj, dict): return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items()) if isinstance(obj, list): return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj) return obj
[docs]def equal_queries(d1: Any, d2: Any) -> bool: """Compares if two queries are equivalent (do not consider nested list orders).""" return ordered(d1) == ordered(d2)
def _cast_pre_save_source(_source: Union[DocSource, DocumentSource]) -> DocSource: if isinstance(_source, dict): return _source # DocumentSource _source._pre_save_op_() return _source._to_dict_()
[docs]def get_action_modifier( index_name: IndexName, _op_type_overwrite: Optional[OpType] = None ) -> Callable: def _action_modifier(action: Union[Action, DocumentSource]) -> Action: if isinstance(action, dict): action_ = action else: # DocumentSource if _op_type_overwrite == "update": raise TypeError("Update operation requires an '_id'") if _op_type_overwrite == "delete": raise TypeError( "Delete operation requires an '_id', and doesn't need any source." ) if _op_type_overwrite in ("index", "create"): action_ = { "_source": _cast_pre_save_source(action), "_op_type": _op_type_overwrite, } elif not _op_type_overwrite: action_ = {"_source": _cast_pre_save_source(action)} else: raise TypeError("Invalid '_op_type', got '%s'" % _op_type_overwrite) action_["_index"] = index_name if "doc" in action_: action_["doc"] = _cast_pre_save_source(action_["doc"]) if "_source" in action_: action_["_source"] = _cast_pre_save_source(action_["_source"]) if _op_type_overwrite is not None: action_["_op_type"] = _op_type_overwrite return action_ return _action_modifier
[docs]def is_subset(subset: Any, superset: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(subset, dict): return all( key in superset and is_subset(val, superset[key]) for key, val in subset.items() ) if isinstance(subset, (list, set)): return all( any(is_subset(subitem, superitem) for superitem in superset) for subitem in subset ) # assume that subset is a plain value if none of the above match return subset == superset