Source code for pandagg.node.query.abstract

import json

from pandagg.node._node import Node
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Any, Tuple, List, Type

from pandagg.types import QueryType, QueryClauseDict

[docs]class QueryClause(Node): _classes: Dict[QueryType, Type["QueryClause"]] KEY: str _type_name = "query" def __init__( self, _name: Optional[str] = None, accept_children: bool = True, keyed: bool = True, _children: Any = None, **body: Any ) -> None: # remove empty body values (clearer __init__) self.body = {k: v for k, v in body.items() if v is not None} self._named = _name is not None super(QueryClause, self).__init__( identifier=_name, accept_children=accept_children, keyed=keyed ) self._children = _children or {}
[docs] def line_repr(self, depth: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]: repr_args = [] if self._named: repr_args.append("_name=%s" % str(self.identifier)) if self.body: repr_args.append(self._params_repr(self.body)) return self.KEY, ", ".join(repr_args)
@staticmethod def _params_repr(params: Dict) -> str: params = params or {} return ", ".join( "%s=%s" % (str(k), str(json.dumps(params[k], sort_keys=True))) for k in sorted(params.keys()) ) @property def name(self) -> str: return self.identifier @property def _identifier_prefix(self) -> str: return "%s_" % self.KEY
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: b = self.body.copy() if self._named: b["_name"] = return {self.KEY: b}
def __str__(self) -> str: return "<{class_}, id={id}, type={type}, body={body}>".format( class_=str(self.__class__.__name__), type=str(self.KEY), id=str(self.identifier), body=self.body, ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.to_dict() == self.to_dict() # make sure we still equal to a dict with the same data return other == self.to_dict()
TypeOrQuery_ = Union[QueryType, QueryClauseDict, QueryClause]
[docs]def Q(type_or_query: Optional[TypeOrQuery_] = None, **body: Any) -> QueryClause: """ Accept multiple syntaxes, return a QueryClause node. :param type_or_query: :param body: :return: QueryClause """ if isinstance(type_or_query, QueryClause): if body: raise ValueError( 'Body cannot be added using "QueryClause" declaration, got %s.' % body ) return type_or_query if isinstance(type_or_query, dict): if body: raise ValueError( 'Body cannot be added using "dict" query clause declaration, got %s.' % body ) type_or_query = type_or_query.copy() # {"term": {"some_field": 1}} # {"bool": {"filter": [{"term": {"some_field": 1}}]}} if len(type_or_query) != 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid query clause declaration (two many keys): got <%s>" % type_or_query ) type_, body_ = type_or_query.popitem() return QueryClause.get_dsl_class(type_)(**body_) if isinstance(type_or_query, str): return QueryClause.get_dsl_class(type_or_query)(**body) raise ValueError('"type_or_query" must be among "dict", "AggNode", "str"')
[docs]class LeafQueryClause(QueryClause): def __init__(self, _name: Optional[str] = None, **body: Any): super(LeafQueryClause, self).__init__( _name=_name, accept_children=False, **body )
[docs]class AbstractSingleFieldQueryClause(LeafQueryClause): _FIELD_AT_BODY_ROOT: bool = False def __init__(self, field: str, _name: Optional[str] = None, **body: Any): self.field = field if self._FIELD_AT_BODY_ROOT: super(LeafQueryClause, self).__init__(_name=_name, field=field, **body) else: super(LeafQueryClause, self).__init__(_name=_name, **body)
[docs]class FlatFieldQueryClause(AbstractSingleFieldQueryClause): """ Query clause applied on one single field. Example: Exists: {"exists": {"field": "user"}} -> field = "user" -> body = {"field": "user"} >>> from pandagg.query import Exists >>> q = Exists(field="user") DistanceFeature: {"distance_feature": {"field": "production_date", "pivot": "7d", "origin": "now"}} -> field = "production_date" -> body = {"field": "production_date", "pivot": "7d", "origin": "now"} >>> from pandagg.query import DistanceFeature >>> q = DistanceFeature(field="production_date", pivot="7d", origin="now") """ _FIELD_AT_BODY_ROOT = True def __init__(self, field: str, _name: Optional[str] = None, **body: Any) -> None: self.field = field super(FlatFieldQueryClause, self).__init__(_name=_name, field=field, **body)
[docs]class KeyFieldQueryClause(AbstractSingleFieldQueryClause): """ Clause with field used as key in clause body: Term: {"term": {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}}} -> field = "user" -> body = {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}} >>> from pandagg.query import Term >>> q1 = Term(user={"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}}) >>> q2 = Term(field="user", value="Kimchy", boost=1}}) Can accept a "_implicit_param" attribute specifying which is the equivalent key when inner body isn't a dict but a raw value. For Term: _implicit_param = "value" >>> q = Term(user="Kimchy") {"term": {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}}} -> field = "user" -> body = {"term": {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}}} """ _implicit_param: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, field: Optional[str] = None, _name: Optional[str] = None, _expand__to_dot: bool = True, **params: Any ) -> None: field_: str if field is None: # Term(item__id=32) or Term(item__id={'value': 32, 'boost': 1}) if len(params) != 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid declaration for <%s> clause, got:\n%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, params) ) if _expand__to_dot: params = self.expand__to_dot(params) field_, value = params.copy().popitem() if self._implicit_param is None: # GeoBoundingBox(pin__location={"top_left": xxx, "bottom_right": xxx}) # -> {"top_left": xxx, "bottom_right": xxx} params = value elif isinstance(value, dict): # Term(user={"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}) -> {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}} params = value else: # Term(user="Kimchy") -> {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}} # in this case we normalize query so that both syntax generate same query: # - `Term(user="Kimchy")` # - `Term(user={"value": "Kimchy"})` params = {self._implicit_param: value} else: # Term(field="user", value="Kimchy", boost=1) -> {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}} field_ = field self.inner_body: Dict[str, Any] = params super(KeyFieldQueryClause, self).__init__( field=field_, _name=_name, **{field_: params} )
[docs] def line_repr(self, depth: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]: if not self.inner_body: return "", ", ".join([str(self.KEY), "field=%s" % str(self.field)]) return ( self.KEY, ", ".join( ["field=%s" % str(self.field), self._params_repr(self.inner_body)] ), )
[docs]class MultiFieldsQueryClause(LeafQueryClause): def __init__(self, fields: List[str], _name: Optional[str] = None, **body: Any): self.fields = fields super(LeafQueryClause, self).__init__(_name=_name, fields=fields, **body)
[docs] def line_repr(self, depth: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]: return self.KEY, "fields=%s" % (list(map(str, self.fields)))
[docs]class ParentParameterClause(QueryClause): def __init__(self) -> None: super(ParentParameterClause, self).__init__(accept_children=True, keyed=False)
[docs] def line_repr(self, depth: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]: return "", ""