Source code for pandagg.interactive.mappings

import json
from typing import Optional, List

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

from lighttree import TreeBasedObj
from lighttree.node import NodeId

from pandagg.tree.mappings import Mappings
from pandagg.interactive._field_agg_factory import field_classes_per_name
from pandagg.utils import DSLMixin

[docs]class IMappings(DSLMixin, TreeBasedObj[Mappings]): """Interactive wrapper upon mappings tree, allowing field navigation and quick access to single clause aggregations computation. """ _REPR_NAME = "Mappings" _NODE_PATH_ATTR = "name" def __init__( self, mappings: Mappings, client: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, index: Optional[List[str]] = None, depth: int = 1, root_path: Optional[str] = None, initial_tree: Optional[Mappings] = None, ) -> None: self._client: Optional[Elasticsearch] = client self._index: Optional[List[str]] = index super(IMappings, self).__init__( tree=mappings, root_path=root_path, depth=depth, initial_tree=initial_tree ) # if we reached a leave, add aggregation capabilities based on reached mappings type self._set_agg_property_if_required() def _clone(self, nid: NodeId, root_path: Optional[str], depth: int) -> "IMappings": return IMappings( self._tree.subtree(nid)[1], client=self._client, root_path=root_path, depth=depth, initial_tree=self._initial_tree, index=self._index, ) def _set_agg_property_if_required(self) -> None: if ( self._client is not None and self._root_path is not None and not self._tree.children(self._tree.root) ): _, field_node = self._tree.get(self._tree.root) if field_node.KEY in field_classes_per_name: search_class = self.get_dsl_type("search") self.a = field_classes_per_name[field_node.KEY]( _search=search_class( using=self._client, index=self._index, mappings=self._initial_tree, repr_auto_execute=True, nested_autocorrect=True, ), _field=self._root_path, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore print( json.dumps( self._tree.to_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ": ") ) )