Source code for pandagg.discovery

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional

from lighttree.interactive import Obj
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

from pandagg import Mappings, MappingsDict
from pandagg.interactive.mappings import IMappings
from import Search

[docs]@dataclass class Index: name: str settings: Dict[str, Any] mappings: MappingsDict aliases: Any client: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None @property def imappings(self) -> IMappings: # TODO- create mypy issue mappings: Mappings = Mappings(**self.mappings) # type: ignore return IMappings(mappings=mappings, client=self.client, index=[])
[docs] def search( self, nested_autocorrect: bool = True, repr_auto_execute: bool = True ) -> Search: return Search( using=self.client, mappings=self.mappings,, nested_autocorrect=nested_autocorrect, repr_auto_execute=repr_auto_execute, )
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Index '%s'>" %
[docs]class Indices(Obj): _COERCE_ATTR = True
[docs]def discover(using: Elasticsearch, index: str = "*") -> Indices: """ :param using: Elasticsearch client :param index: Comma-separated list or wildcard expression of index names used to limit the request. """ indices = Indices() for index_name, index_detail in using.indices.get(index=index).items(): indices[index_name] = Index( client=using, name=index_name, mappings=index_detail["mappings"], settings=index_detail["settings"], aliases=index_detail["aliases"], ) return indices